4 Fashion Brands You Should Know
Taking a closer look at some of the hottest brand's in the city of Bakersfield, California.

Introduce yourself and who created the brand?
I’m Mr. Worlds Finest, the music artist with a clothing brand that goes by “WorldsFinest Clothing.'' My slogan is “IF IT AIN’T GOT THA FACE…YOU AIN’T SHOP AT THA RIGHT PLACE… I’m from South Central LA.
How long have you been in operation?
I started my business in Boston in 2012 and brought it back to the west coast in 2016.
What’s the reason the brand started and is there a specific message you want people to get from the brand ?
The brand started because I was making music. I eventually ended up starting a clothing brand to pay for studio time, music equipment and services such as mixing, cover shoots etc. But I also was into fashion ... and I would like to be known for more than just being a rapper. Having a clothes brand and also doing music helps me get into different rooms with important people to network. I’m not just meeting people saying “I’m a rapper, hear my freestyle`` Instead I’ll pull up with free merch and bless certain people. Then eventually get into the music conversation and if my music doesn't resonate with the person then the clothing helps out with more exposure.
Most popular clothing item?
Well I started with hoodies and pants but then I realized I can only wear these items so many times… so then I began to think of gimmick items such as hats ,bags, socks, but the gimmick items are hot sellers. You can wear the same hat for 3 days and nobody will say anything, but if you were to wear a shirt for 3 days then someone would say something.
When is your next drop?
Next drop I might do after Valentines Day. I haven't had time to think of any ideas for Valentine’s Day yet, but my plain shirts I make all the time.
Where can people shop the brand?
Right now you can order straight through me on IG Page, in person or at any pop up. At the moment I’m creating a new website.


Introduce yourself and who created the brand?
I’m Chava! At first it was two of us, then my friend didn’t have time to design or was too busy with other work. I always like doing shirts so I made time somehow and to this day I still make shirts to keep this brand alive.
How long have you been in operation?
A little over 11 years, on and off. It’s a little hard to be consistent, but you gotta keep doing what you love.
What’s the reason the brand started/ is there a specific message you want people to get from the brand ?
I used to do graffiti, so I wondered if I could do it without getting into trouble That’s when I decided to start a clothing brand. For the message part, not really. I just like doing designs and hopefully people like them as much as I do.
Most popular clothing item?
The collab with chiefsideapparel is probably one of my favorite designs so far but there will be more favorites to come.
Next drop/new items?
Yes I am . Got a couple new designs ready, also new projects with friends.
Where can people shop the brand?
It will always be at www.thestickups.com

3. Wolves Leading Wolves

Introduce yourself and who created the brand?
My name is Ty and I run WolvesLeadingWolves.
How long have you been in operation?
I’ve been making clothes consistently since 2020 but I’ve been putting stuff together since 2018ish.
What’s the reason the brand started/ is there a specific message you want people to get from the brand ?
I just wanted to make what wasn’t out there and the only message I have for people is to teach others as much as you learn from them. It’s the only way to grow community.
Most popular clothing item?
I would say the most popular item is the first item people get from WLW. I’ve noticed that people are so fond with the first piece they get from us because they’re surprised by the quality and are happy with how long they last.
Next drop/new items
I’m working on some cool things like accessories and trying to focus on making the brand closer to a lifestyle brand more than anything. So look out for socks, more hats, MAYBE some outerwear and definitely some fire tees because it’s WLW duh.
Where can people shop the brand
You can go to wlwpack.com or DM @wolvesleadingwolvesclothing


Introduce yourself and who created the brand?
That life was started by Marathon Cuddi and Lance Jay. That life started as a collective in 2012, by a group of homeboys, getting money, going to school, skateboarding, there were many different individuals.
How long have you been in operation?
The clothing brand didn't come about until April 2020.
What’s the reason the brand started/ is there a specific message you want people to get from the brand ?
It's not just us living it though, you know what I mean. I want the whole world to live it, you feel me? I want you in it, I want the kids in it, I want everybody in it because everybody lives their life. Whether you believe it or not. And this is what I mean by that. For me, it's family, money and music. For you, it could be shooting, skateboarding, watching movies, playing sports, etc. I think everybody lives it. That's why it's called “That Life”
Most popular clothing item?
For sure it’s the classic logo. The one that I'm wearing right now. It's got the halo on top, it's like the stamp. I feel like every brand has that one logo that they are known for. Ralph Lauren, for example, they have the horse, . It just our classic logo. I feel like anything we throw down, it's just crazy. Every time.
Are you guys working on anything new? When's the next drop?
We just dropped on Valentine's Day. But we always have something new. We always are trying to keep the old designs coming. Like I said, that classic look is what’s really pushing off the brand. Gotta really stick to that, just keep pushing. But we got some new stuff coming and we got some revamps of the old stuff coming too.
Where can people shop the brand?
Www.thatlifeoriginal.com and at our storefront, Exclusive Alley. It's always easier to pick up from the store or online, you know, so you just get it right away. That's the best way to order it.